
KARACHI: In a statement from govt. officials, it has been discovered that almost 6 marriage halls and over 100 restaurants have been sealed for not following the Covid-19 guidelines to protect from the spread of the virus.

In another statement in federal, all provinces of Pakistan besides GB, Azad & Jammu Kashmir, and ICT have been strictly notified to ensure compliance and proper implementation of health guidelines to curtail the effect of Covid-19.

Karachi: Sindh Govt. imposes smart lockdown in Karachi against non-compliance of Covid-19 guidelines

The authorities also stated in ink that marriage halls, eating places like restaurants and food courts have been the prime source for the spread of covid-19. A mishandled control over conduct of SOPs will surely lead to the spread of virus.

In a tweet from Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar, the violations of SOPs in such public places have been strongly condemned.

He asserted that the irresponsible behavior of such operators will not be absorbed at any cost because it costs a greater health risk for many.

An increase in infection has been detected recently in Karachi which needs serious precautions. In response to the increasing number of infected cases of covid-19, Sindh Govt. has implemented a ‘mini smart lockdown’ in different areas of eastern district of Karachi for a couple of weeks with effect from first day of October 2020.

The notification read that such affected localities may be sealed and logistic support must be arranged for these areas. The notification also directed the imposition of SOPs in these areas and wearing of masks for people leaving and entering in these areas that are under lockdown.

The notification also read that grocery shops, pharmaceuticals, and generals store may remain open as per the timings specified by the home department, whereas, other businesses will remain closed including all the industrial units falling under these areas.

People will not be allowed to move freely and one person from one family may be allowed to purchase the necessary items by satisfying the law enforcing agencies.

Since the number of infected cases are again on rise not only in Karachi but adjacent areas and other cities of interior Sindh, the concerned authorities have decided to seal more marriage halls and restaurants that do not comply health safety parameters as they are supposed to be the major contributors in the spread of covid-19.

The officials also stated that if business owners, proprietors, and the public don’t follow the health guidelines to help reduce the impact of COVID-19, proper lockdown will need to take place.

The health officials said that the citizens of Pakistan still need to take it seriously and act more wisely and responsibly as we are facing shortage of related equipment and staff to handle the sudden rise of covid-19 infected cases.

They also recommended state authorities to make close monitoring of the situation in order to contain the manifold effect of the deadly virus.

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